
Archive for November, 2016

Story by Dr. Terry Whipple

“Come before His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.” Well, sure, it is a good mantra. And we don’t do it often enough, despite His blessings. But we’ve adopted—or adapted—a time of thanksgiving for Pilgrim survival, harvest, and community with natives into a gustatory holiday. After all, we cannot overdo giving thanks.

thanksgiving mealBut we can overdo Thanksgiving. Mmmm, gravy, taters, dressing, crispy skin on juicy turkey, pies of every description, maybe Grandma’s banana pudding. Dig in this year, again, after asking God’s blessing on the meal and family. But eat slowly, chew thoroughly, talk a lot and push back. Pushing back from that wonderful table has so many benefits. First, it preserves more leftovers. And everybody loves Thanksgiving leftovers. Second, we’ll be on time for kickoff at the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game. Third, we are not as likely to regurgitate during a wonderful afternoon nap. Wow, we’re making progress.

Most important, though, tomorrow it won’t show on the scale. We will not have overdone it again. We can put off those resolutions to “lose that weight” six more weeks until New Year’s Day.

Self-discipline makes a delectable dessert, and the effect lasts and lasts. This year we can all push back from the table and go for a walk around the block with someone else who’s pushed back from the table. It will help the digestion, cement a relationship, and give time to reflect on our blessings.

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